Biblia sacra, parchment manuscript, dating back to 12-13 Century

Biblia sacra, parchment manuscript, dating back to 12-13 Century  [Image: Municipality of Macerata, CC BY ND]
Biblia sacra, parchment manuscript, dating back to 12-13 Century [Image: Municipality of Macerata, CC BY ND]

It is one of the most ancient and valuable items. It is hand-written and miniated. The gothic script in two columns is remarkable for its regularity and beauty. It has recurring blue and red chapter initials as well as decorations. Chapter initials are frequently richly decorated with miniatures, representing festoons with plant motifs, dragons, and other characters and scenes. Its realization is believed to be prior to 1264, as can be inferred from the late addition of a datable paper.