A travers le royaume des serbes, croates et slovènes

A travers le royaume de serbes, croates et slovènes
A travers le royaume de serbes, croates et slovènes

The trilingual guidebook is a kind of political, literary and artistic, economic and tourist overview of the newly created state of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. 38 publications printed during the Balkan Wars of 1912-1913 give this Library a special value. and 82 publications printed during the First World War from 1914-1918. years. In France, there was a group of scientists and publicists who, at public gatherings and lectures at the Sorbonne, in Paris and in the larger cities of France, informed the wider layers of French society and affirmed Serbian national interests.ictor Berard, Albert Malle, Auguste Gauvin, Emile Oman, Ernest Denis and André Sheradham were the most influential among those who took on the task of supporting the Serbs and Serbia. In their newspaper articles and journalistic works, they conveyed reports on events in the war-torn Balkans to the public opinion in France, but also to the wider European public. The idea of ​​realizing the Yugoslav space and creating a state union of South Slavic peoples is being announced.