ДѢЛОВОДНЫЙ протоколъ одъ 1812. Маія 21. до 1813. Августа 5. Кара-Ђорђа Петровића, вър'овногъ вожда и господара народа србскогъ.

ДѢЛОВОДНЫЙ протоколъ одъ 1812. Маія 21. до 1813. Августа 5. Кара-Ђорђа Петровића, вър'овногъ вожда и господара народа србскогъ. [image University Library, CC BY]
ДѢЛОВОДНЫЙ протоколъ одъ 1812. Маія 21. до 1813. Августа 5. Кара-Ђорђа Петровића, вър'овногъ вожда и господара народа србскогъ. [image University Library, CC BY]

The oldest book, in the Luka Celovic special collection, is the administrative protocol of Karađorđ Petrović 1812-1813. Published by the Society of Serbian Literature, 1848. It is an extensive and important document about the First Serbian Uprising, which contains 1,138 official records, military, diplomatic, commercial and court letters, orders and instructions from the court office.