Inner Eyes, 1959 - 1960

Ivan Kožarić, Unutarnje oči /  Inner Eyes, 1959-1960 [image Boris Cvjetanović, IncEdu]
Ivan Kožarić, Unutarnje oči / Inner Eyes, 1959-1960 [image Boris Cvjetanović, IncEdu]
POI Number
City of Zagreb
Avenija Dubrovnik 17, 10000, Zagreb

Ivan Kožarić is neither an abstract or figurative artist, he treats both as answers to a current need, not something that is necessarily in opposition. One indication that this sculpture is a portrait, that is, that is represents a face are the two rods protruding from the depths of the cylinder shape. They represent the inner eyes – not the eyes with which we superficially see the world, but the gaze of our inner experience. In the process of shaping he thinks about negative volume, the emptiness engulfed by a membrane because to him a sculpture is not just a body in space but also the space in the body. “Inner Eyes”, along other works created in Paris, is close to neo-avantgarde treatments that would bring him in proximity to one of the most influential phenomenons in Croatian contemporary art – the Gorgona Group. He became a member in 1960, immediately after returning to Zagreb.