Golden façade, 1971

Ivan Kožarić, Zlatna fasada / Golden Façade, photomontage, 1971 [image Ivan Kožarić, IncEdu]
Ivan Kožarić, Zlatna fasada / Golden Façade, photomontage, 1971 [image Ivan Kožarić, IncEdu]
POI Number
City of Zagreb
Upper Town
Ulica Nikole Tesle 5, 10000, Zagreb

Kožarić wanted to transfer his exhilarations with the colour golden to the public space. In 1971, a year that would prove most fruitful, he proposed the idea of the “Grounded Sun”, alongside the proposal to gild the façade of the Salon of the Croatian Association of Artists on Starčević Square. He envisioned a golden façade on several spots in the city centre, among which is the residential building at the intersection of Gajeva and Teslina Street. The same photograph shows another proposal called “Multicoloured light ribbons stretch across houses”, made from many coloured overpasses, which the artist imagined would help invigorate the greyness of the city streets and help citizens escape the routine of the everyday by allowing them to travel distances by using the tall colourful bridges away from the congestion of traffic.