Red Sign, 1969-2013

Ivan Kožarić, Art intervention,  proposal for Trigon 71, 1971 [image Ivan Kožarić, IncEdu]
Ivan Kožarić, Art intervention, proposal for Trigon 71, 1971 [image Ivan Kožarić, IncEdu]
POI Number
City of Zagreb
Upper Town
Gajeva ul. 1, 10000, Zagreb

The sculpture shaped like a broken red line, was originally made in 1969 in wood coloured a vibrant red. Today it is located at the Glyptotheque of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. The fractures sculptural form appeared in later times as well, as a proposal for an urban intervention at Trigon ’71 which was held in Graz under the title “Intermedia urbana”. When the architect and urban planner Branko Silađin suggested placing the “Red Sign” in Bogovićeva Street, in front of the Hotel Dubrovnik. the sculpture was made according to the proposal submitted at Trigon. It was installed in 2013 near the place where Kožarić envisioned, through photomontage in the 80s, a totally different sculpture – “Beautiful old horse” which he made in small scale in 1961.