Ivan Kožarić: Grounded Sun, reconstruction Davor Preis: Nine Views

Ivan Kožarić: Grounded Sun [Petar Dabac?, InC EDU]
Ivan Kožarić: Grounded Sun [Petar Dabac?, InC EDU]
POI Number
City of Zagreb
City Center
Bogovićeva 4
Web reference

However, the Grounded Sun by Kožarić remained in the public's long memory and during the city's preparations for the celebration of the 900th anniversary of the Zagreb Archdiocese, it was decided to perform a version of the original sculpture in gilded bronze, located at the new equally frequent location of Bogovićeva Street on 12.11. 1994.

The Grounded Sun is also one of the most frequently vandalized-or if you prefer talked to- public sculptures, a s many use its surface for graffitis-which opens up important issues of art in public space; its coexistence with the city, but also exposure not only to the weather but to direct human commentary. In a way, we cannot talk about art in public space without including the reception of the audience, which is often more than obvious.

In addition to the vivid reactions of passers-by, let us mention some appropriations of this public sculpture. The most fiexd one is surely the work od Davor Preis, Nine Views, an Ambiental installation that together with the Grounded Sun comprises a scale model of the socal system. The artist started to place the model of the Solar system across Zagreb in 2004 with little of no publicity. The nearest locations are those of Mercury-  3 Margaretska Street, Venus – 3 Ban Jelačić Square, Earth - 9 Varšavska Street, Mars – 21 Tkalčićeva Street.

The system is at scale 1:680 000 000. Earth's model is about 1.9 cm in size and at 225 m distance from the Sun's model, while Pluto's model is 7.7 km away from it. They are all presented in the form of the plaque, positioned on the wall, including the name of the planet and a spherical form.

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