Infopoint of Gjirokaster

Service Type
Municipality of Gjirokastra, Sheshi Cerciz Topulli, Gjirokastra, Albania


The info point is at the service of tourists every day. It provides visitors with all the necessary information they need. It is ready to answer all visitors' questions. It offers them information about bus schedules, ticket prices, explanations on how to get to a certain destination. Info point is open every day from 9 am to 4 pm. When there is a large flow of visitors, it is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Employees are at the service of tourists, providing them with everything they need regarding tourist attractions, means of transport and their schedules. Maps are also available in the office.

Our tourist information centre assistants give information to visitors about transport, tourist attractions and local services and activities. They have the desire to help people and excellent verbal communication skills.

The employees are able to speak English very well. They help visitors with a simple orientation guide if visitors can't find their way around and can't get to the museum or to the desired destination. They make suggestions of tours, travel routes, accommodation and local attractions. Provide literature and information on local tours and places of interest around the region. Maintain literature, maps and brochure stocks. They do not sell souvenirs and other merchandise as it happens in other info points in European cities.